Foreign nationals may enter Austria without a job offer through the Job Seeker Visa, also referred to as the Special D Visa. This visa enables highly qualified individuals, lacking a job offer, to migrate to Austria for the purpose of seeking employment.
The Job Seeker Visa is intended for highly skilled workers who must qualify under the Austrian Points System, requiring a minimum of 70 points to obtain the Red-White-Red Card once a job offer has been secured. This visa provides an opportunity to live and work in Austria and is part of the Red-White-Red Card scheme, allowing qualified workers to reside in Austria for a duration of six months.
The processing of the Austria job seeker visa if it is processed by the regional settlement authority in Austria it can take up to a time period of a minimum of 3 to 5 months. In other words it can also take up to 8 weeks.
Austria Job Seeker Visa fee
Jobseeker Visa: € 150
Red-White-Red Card:
Career Brick, provides unbiased immigration services for every client based on their interests and requirements. The impeccable services of Career Brick include:
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